UTSA has a limited number of vouchers to pay for TExES tests. Vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis for students taking a first attempt at any test except PPR. To obtain the voucher submit the TExES eligibility form below, including your qualifying practice test scores. Act quickly! Once they are gone you will pay for your TExES test from your own pocket.
Texas law requires every person seeking educator certification to perform satisfactorily on comprehensive examinations. These examinations ensure that each educator has the necessary content and professional knowledge to perform satisfactorily in Texas public schools. Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) were developed for this purpose.
Register on Banner ASAP to take a practice test and view your scores. You may only take one (1) test per test session unless you want to take the PPR and BES or ESL tests together. You should complete the review session before you attempt the practice test. All practice tests are available on each test date. Bring your UTSA ID to be admitted to testing. Arrive thirty minutes prior to the start time. You will not be admitted to a Practice Test after the start of the exam.
Date | Time | Location |
January 11, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MB 0.106 |
February 22, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MB 0.106 |
March 29, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MB 0.106 |
April 26, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MB 0.106 |
May 17, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MB 0.106 |
Candidates pursuing bilingual certification will complete the modules and practice Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) in CertifyTeacher. Bilingual candidates must score an 80% or higher before they can be approved to take the TExES BTLPT. Please contact TExESApproval@utsa.edu for access to CertifyTeacher.
Email: TExESApproval@utsa.edu
TEA | www.tea.texas.gov
Students will only be able to register for one exam per Practice Test session.
Registration for the practice exam closes 24 hours before the exam. Register early. Banner ASAP shows only one practice test date at a time. The next test date will be posted after the prior exam date has expired and the scores have been posted. If you want to take only a portion of the Core Subjects EC-6 or Core Subjects 4-8 test, send an email to TExESApproval@utsa.edu no later than the Wednesday before the test.
Step 1: Go to the UTSA homepage (http://www.utsa.edu/) then log on to the myUTSA ASAP
Step 2: Click on "Student Service"
Step 3: Click on "TExES Practice Exams Registration"
Step 4: Click on "Register for Test Session:
Step 5: Click on "Practice TExES"
Step 6: Click on "Select Test: to choose test from drop down window
Step 7: Click on the radio button to the far right, then click on "Submit" button
Practice Exam scores will be available on Banner ASAP two business days after the exam is given. Scores are reported in percentiles with 80% overall considered passing.
Students must earn a 70 or higher on the Practice Exams to be approved for the real exam. Core Subjects students must earn a 70 or above on each subtest to be approved for the real test. If you score 70 or higher on a practice test, you do not have to take it again. Contact Jessica McConnell four days prior to the next practice test to coordinate taking only a portion of the Core Subjects test. Students must score 80% or higher on the Math/Science 4-8 practice exam to be approved for the real exam.
Login to ASAP and click on "Student Services and Financial Aid"
Click on "Student Records"
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on "Display TExES Test Scores" and print your scores
You must meet the Eligibility Guidelines before UTSA will grant test approval.
TExES Eligibility Form – Initial Attempt
Students seeking approval for their Initial Testing must FIRST complete a Diagnostic Test, THEN complete a review session or module, AND earn a passing score of 70% correct on a practice test in order to be eligible for UTSA Approval.
TExES Eligibility Form – Retake
Students with failed testing attempts should contact TExESApproval@utsa.edu for information on retakes.
Certification candidates must submit an Eligibility Form each time they seek approval to test for a state exam.
Email TExESApproval@utsa.edu or call 210-458-5797 with questions about certification testing.
This is a growing resource list to help you pass the TExES tests. If you find other resources, especially if they’re free, email them to TExESApproval@utsa.edu.
Before you take the real test, and probably before you take the practice test, you should take a diagnostic test. You will report the diagnostic test date and score on your eligibility form. Here is what’s available.
Diagnostic Test | Source |
PPR | LearningExpress Library or T-Cert |
Core Subjects EC-6 | LearningExpress Library or T-Cert |
Math 4-8 | T-Cert |
Math 7-12 | T-Cert or Pearson for $10. |
Science 4-8 | T-Cert |
Science 7-12 | T-Cert or Pearson for $10 |
Special Education | T-Cert |
BTLPT | T-Cert or Pearson for $10 |
English as a Second Language Supplemental | T-Cert |
LOTE Spanish | Available through Pearson for $10 |
If the test is not listed above, you do not have to complete a diagnostic test to be approved for the real test. If you want to use a different diagnostic test, write the name by the score on the eligibility form.
Because Pearson is the testing vendor responsible for developing, administering and modifying TExES tests, the Pearson TExES website is an excellent source for test preparation materials.
Notice regarding the PPR : The Texas Education Agency is working towards replacing the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities test with a performance-based assessment called edTPA. In addition to requiring much more time and work from you, edTPA will cost over $300 while the PPR costs about $120. UTSA recommends that you take the PPR as soon as you are ready.
The TExES content tests are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). If you know and understand the TEKS, then you should be well prepared for the TExES content exams. It behooves you to know the TEKS now since you will be teaching them soon.
Below are resources that may help you prepare for the Core Subjects EC-6 certification test.
ETS and TEA have worked together to create instructional videos to orient faculty, staff, and candidates to the requirements of the PASL test. Video one provides a general overview of PASL, its content, and scoring/reporting procedures. Video two provides a more in-depth overview of the tasks associated with the assessment. Full requirements, descriptions, and resources may be found in the PASL Candidate and Educator Handbook.
The following list is for your information. UTSA does not endorse these companies or their products.
NOTE: Once an individual has received their teaching certificate they may challenge other certification exams by registering directly with Pearson. UTSA will not approve individuals to test for additional state exams.
Pearson Website: http://www.tx.nesinc.com/
TEA Website: https://tea.texas.gov/
All teacher certification students must complete a PPR Review session . You must also complete the Core Subjects online review session, when applicable. You should complete the review session before you attempt the practice test.
The PPR Review is available as an Open Course in Canvas. Go to the Open Courses Catalog, select "TExES Reviews," then enroll.
The Texas Education Agency is working to replace the PPR with a more difficult, more expensive test. While implementation is uncertain, it is in your best interest to take and pass the PPR as soon as you are ready.
The Core Subjects review is an Open Course in Canvas. It is useful for both EC-6 and 4-8 candidates. Go to the Open Courses Catalog, select "TExES Reviews," then enroll.
If you are a Core Subjects EC-6, Core Subjects 4-8, or ELAR/Social Studies 4-8 candidate, you must take this test to be certified. The Science of Teaching Reading (STR) is located on Canvas. Go to the Open Courses Catalog, select "TExES Reviews," then enroll.
Dr. Si Millican will present a TExES review session for music students on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM in the Choir Room.
(210) 458-5797 | Office MB 3.490
The Texas Education Agency is planning major changes to the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) and Core Subjects tests. The PPR multiple choice test may be replaced by a performance-based assessment. These changes will require extra expense and effort. You may be best served to pass these tests sooner rather than later.
All students seeking certification through UTSA are required to have approval to test each time they register for a state exam. This includes exams for teacher certification, professional certification and individuals re-taking an exam.
Practice tests and Review sessions may be completed in any order. It is the student's responsibility to plan in advance and determine the best time to attend Review sessions and Practice exams, when applicable. The Core Subjects review is applicable to both EC-6 and 4-8 candidates, and it is available as an open course in Canvas. The Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities review is provided live quarterly.
Links to the UTSA Review and Practice exam schedules are located on the right-hand navigation.
UTSA will not notify students when they have been approved.
Register for computer-administered test (CAT) online with the testing vendor. If registration problems exist, call the testing vendor at (800) 877-4599 for assistance.
All test availability by location for CAT exams will be displayed when you register with the testing vendor.
UTSA will only approve you for tests related to the certification area for which you were admitted. Teachers often find that additional certifications, such as the English as a Second Language Supplemental and Special Education Supplemental can be helpful in obtaining a job. Similarly, related certifications, such as Social Studies 7-12 or ELAR/Social Studies 4-8 can also help. After you obtain your initial certification, you are able to Certification by Exam for many content areas. This is something you will do after you get your certificate.
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