We are a community-centered department born from student, faculty, and staff activism. We are committed to working with UTSA students and the larger Yanawana/San Antonio community to create a socially just world. Our curriculum, research, creative scholarship and service to the community reflect our diasporic, decolonial and intersectional approach toward the study of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality in education, humanities, music and the arts, and the social sciences. We are dedicated to preparing students to be agents of change who will positively transform society. The Department brings together three programs: African American, Mexican American, and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. We offer BA and minor in African American Studies; a BA in and minor in Mexican American Studies; and BA and minor in Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies. We also offer a graduate certificate in Mexican American Studies. Graduates of our programs are prepared to work in community, educational, academic, non-profit organization, and public service fields. Many continue their education in graduate and professional schools. Our alumni include college professors, lawyers, non-profit leaders, and entrepreneurs.
Department Chair and Professor
Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Studies
“UTSA has a wonderful Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Studies team where I have become part of a community, grown conocimiento and addressed the need for advocacy of Ethnic Studies for our youth.”
At the UTSA Department of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Studies (REGSS), our students are driven to make a difference, excelling both during their studies and after they graduate. Each one brings a unique perspective and influence not just within our department, but throughout the San Antonio community. We celebrate the achievements of these individuals whose impact continues to resonate well beyond their time with us.
African American Studies is really an amazing way to understand our country and community, and reflect on where we are and where we would go if people chose to educate themselves in order to take the things that we love about the culture in the United States and learn about the things that were not okay, that we need to change and that we can learn from and be better for.
Working with my faculty coach, Dr. Cervantes, opened my eyes to the opportunities out there, and I wanted to become a peer mentor to share my experiences with other students. I have made a lot of progress because of the encouraging and supportive faculty and programs that have been a part of my UTSA experience.
Through my department, I was able to get hands on experience with my internship at Thrive Youth Center, a homeless shelter for LGBTQ+ youth. Through this experience, I’ve been able to discover my life’s purpose as well as making new friends. My internship has taught me a ton and I recommend doing an internship for anyone looking for entry level experience.
Born from student, community, and university activism, our newly formed department is committed to working with students, community, staff, and faculty to strive toward equality and social justice within the university and society as a whole.
African American Studies (AAS) complements and adds cultural diversity value to all fields of study and professions. This program helps prepare college students to pursue graduate degrees. Additionally, students engaging in this program will gain insights for working in a variety of professions such as education, business, law, public policy, health care, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.
MAS recognizes UTSA students as agents of Conocimiento, preparing them to critically interrogate the sociopolitical, legal, economic, and social conditions that foster the structural marginalization Mexican American, Chicana/o, and Latina/o communities are subject to, as well as study and appreciate the mechanisms of resistance, perseverance, and cultural traditions and expressions that challenge that oppression.
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies is a field dedicated to scholarship and research that creates a critical dialogue on the production of knowledge about and related to all women, genders, sexual orientations, and the application of such knowledge to social and political practices and processes. It is an academic field that incorporates disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, multicultural, and/or global perspectives to advance the study and knowledge of women, gender, and sexuality.
We appreciate your interest in the Department of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Studies and extend our warmest welcome to you from the Department.