Outdoor group photo

Clinical teaching is an extremely important component of the certification program. The primary purpose of clinical teaching is to apply what has been learned in university courses to the professional setting (i.e., an actual classroom). It is expected that the clinical teaching component of the certification program will be completed through UTSA.

At present, we offer the Traditional Clinical Teaching semester, Yearlong Clinical Teaching, and Residency Clinical Teaching.

The Traditional Clinical Teaching semester is a full-time commitment. The traditional clinical teaching semester is 15 weeks with time divided between school campuses and UTSA. A clinical teacher must follow the same schedule as his or her cooperating teacher in the public schools for a full semester of consecutive, full-day, full-time clinical teaching; therefore, it is not possible to register for other courses that meet in the daytime hours. Since performance in the clinical teaching semester is a key factor used by school districts in evaluating an applicant’s potential as a teacher, it is recommended that the individual not attempt to work during the clinical teaching semester. There is no special provision for financial support of clinical teachers; check with financial aid for possible funding.

Yearlong Clinical Teaching and Residency Clinical Teaching are clinically-rich experiences in which clinical teachers complete methods courses along with clinical teaching over two semesters. These are intensive clinically-embedded experiences and we strongly recommend that clinical teachers be prepared to fully immerse themselves into the school environment. They are also expected to follow the school district's academic calendar as the clinical teachers' performance is a key component in evaluating future potential as a teacher. Both of these experiences allow for financial support; check with financial aid for possible funding.

Admission to Traditional, Yearlong, and Residency Clinical Teaching must be requested by formal application during the semester before the teacher candidate plans to teach. A meeting will be held early in the semester to disseminate application information.

Application Deadlines

  • Deadline for Clinical Teaching in the Fall Semester: March 15.
  • Deadline for Clinical Teaching in the Spring Semester: October 15.

*Clinical teaching is NOT offered during the summer term.

*Outbound Placements are no longer an option-effective Fall 2022

The "Clinical Professional Experiences" Blackboard page has been created to keep all teacher candidates in the Year Long Professional Experience (1 stSemester-Field Experience + 2 ndSemester Clinical Teaching) and clinical teachers up to date with important information, announcements, resources, and materials related to clinical teaching matters.

For more information on clinical teaching go to the “Clinical Professional Experiences" Blackboard page after you have attended one of the mandatory meetings.

Youmna Dbouk Headshot Photo


Dr. Youmna Dbouk

Director of Clinical Professional Experiences 

Professional Preparation and Partnerships


Office of Financial Aid Clinical Teaching Information

The State of Texas Says:

  • UTSA may only allow 6 hours of credit for clinical teaching
  • 6 hours = Half-time status

FAFSA Requirements


  • Half-time enrollment will result in the loss of the Texas Excellence Grant Students are required to be enrolled in 12 hours and 9 hours, respectively, to continue receiving these two grants
  • Other Grants will be pro-rated and payout at half the total amount


  • Loans must be pro-rated at 25% of the yearly award
  • 6 hours ÷ 24 hours = 25% (24 hours = Full-time Academic Load based on annual Cost of Attendance)
  • Stafford loans are only prorated during the Fall term and they are prorated based on 24 hours
  • More information on Stafford loans.

Financial Aid - Clinical Teaching Educational Loan Forgiveness Program

The Clinical Teaching Educational Loan Forgiveness Program was established to help clinical teachers with expenses during the extremely important semester(s) of clinical teaching. All clinical teachers are eligible to apply. Priority will be based on financial need and critical shortage field status. Critical shortage fields are deemed by the state to be Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Languages other than English, Mathematics, Science, and Special Education.

A completed application must be uploaded to the Clinical Professional Experiences rolling Blackboard, by the appropriate deadline:

Spring Semester- March 15 th

Fall Semester- October 15 th

Download Application Here: Clinical Teaching Educational Loan Forgiveness Program Application


For further information, check the UTSA One Stop website:


  • Most donors are understanding about part-time status
  • Letter from Academic Advisor detailing clinical teaching requirements
  • Letters are turned into the awarding source: (General Scholarships Office of Student Financial Aid; College or Department; Outside Donors)
  • Donors may payout in full or pro-rate the award

Loss of Income

  • If you decide not to work while clinical teaching, fill out the Loss of Income Form
  • Financial Aid will compare income from last year with the current year
  • Loss of Income Forms are located under the Forms section on the Student Financial Aid and Enrollment Services website

Education Loan Forgiveness Program

  • Read the Education Loan Forgiveness Program fact sheet distributed by the Office of Clinical Teaching
  • Submit application ASAP to Dr. Youmna Dbouk at youmna.dbouk@utsa.edu

Contact Information:

The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Student Financial Aid and Enrollment Services
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 458-8000

Lesson Plan Templates

Clinical Teacher and Cooperating Teacher Handbooks 

Syllabi for Clinical Teaching Courses

Policy for Outbound Clinical Teaching

Individuals who wish to complete their clinical teaching semester outside of the San Antonio area must submit their request in writing via the Petition for Outbound Clinical Teaching. The Petition may be obtained from the Director of Clinical Teaching. The expectation is that students enrolled in the UTSA Teacher Certification Program will complete clinical teaching in the San Antonio area; therefore, reasons for clinical teaching in other parts of the state must be strongly extenuating.  The petition, including information about extenuating circumstances, will be reviewed and decided by a College Committee. The Committee's decision is final. 

Per 19 Texas Administrative Code rule 228, a university field supervisor must be hired by the Educator Preparation Program to supervise a clinical teacher. Thus, local field supervisors will be employed by UTSA to supervise clinical teachers who must leave the San Antonio area to complete clinical teaching in other parts of the state. Depending on the availability and quality of local field supervision, a candidate's request for outbound clinical teaching may be denied. 

For further information, contact the Director of Clinical Professional Experiences, Dr. Youmna Dbouk, youmna.dbouk@utsa.edu.

Directions for Online Training

Cooperating/Mentor Teacher Information

The College of Education and Human Development of The University of Texas at San Antonio is pleased to welcome you to the team of professionals who will contribute to the training of future teachers. Taking on the task of guiding a clinical teacher through those first real experiences in the classroom is a mixed blessing. While it is a benefit to have a pre-professional to assist in working with your students, a substantial amount of time and effort is required of you in helping your clinical teacher to become a successful member of our profession. The university faculty and staff are prepared to assist you in this endeavor. If you encounter problems or simply have questions concerning your clinical teacher or the program, please contact the university supervisor as soon as a concern arises.
It is our sincere hope that as you share your knowledge and experience with a prospective teacher, you too will gain new insights and confidence in your chosen profession.

Cooperating/Mentor Teacher Handbooks

Cooperating Teacher Orientation VODCAST

Vodcast Form

Download: Vodcast Form

Clinical Teacher Compensation

Policy: During the student teaching semester, clinical teachers are not permitted to receive compensation from the school district to which they are assigned for any jobs or tasks performed during the school day. These jobs include, but are not limited to:

  • Substitute Teacher
  • Tutor
  • Coach
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Club Sponsor

After the clinical teaching semester has been completed, clinical teachers are eligible for employment in any position for which they are qualified.

Legal Status of the Clinical Teacher


Chapter 22.051 Subchapter B: Civil Immunity

1. In this subchapter, "professional employee of a school district" includes:

  • a superintendent, principal, teacher, including a substitute teacher, supervisor, social worker, counselor, nurse, and teacher's aide employed by a school district;
  • a teacher employed by a company that contracts with a school district to provide the teacher's services to the district;
  • a student in an education preparation program participating in a field experience or internship;
  • a school bus driver certified in accordance with standards and qualifications adopted by the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas;
  • a member of the board of trustees of an independent school district; and
  • any other person employed by a school district whose employment requires certification and the exercise of discretion.

2. The statutory immunity provided by this subchapter is in addition to and does not preempt the common law doctrine of official and governmental immunity.

Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch.204, sect. 15.01, eff. Sept.1, 2003; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1197, sect. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.


  1. A professional employee of a school district is not personally liable for any act that is incident to or within the scope of the duties of the employee's position of employment and that involves the exercise of judgment or discretion on the part of the employee, except in circumstances in which a professional employee uses excessive force in the discipline of students or negligence resulting in bodily injury to students. 

  2. This section does not apply to the operation, use, or maintenance of any motor vehicle.

  3.  In addition to the immunity provided under this section and under other provisions of state law, an individual is entitled to any immunity and any other protections afforded under the Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act of 2001 (20 U.S.C. Section 6731 et seq.), as amended. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit or abridge any immunity or protection afforded an individual under state law. For purposes of this subsection, "individual" includes a person who provides services to private schools, to the extent provided by federal law.

Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, sect. 1, effective May 30, 1995. Renumbered from sect. 22.051 and amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch 1197, sect. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

Please note: clinical Teachers from the University of Texas at San Antonio receive no pay during their student teaching experience. 

Clinical Teacher Absenteeism

Regular attendance is required and the clinical teacher is expected to be in attendance at his/her school placement or at UTSA for seminars conducted by the university supervisor.

The UTSA Clinical Teaching Log sheet is to be completed each day showing time in and out of school. The Log Sheet should be signed daily by the cooperating teacher. At the end of the semester, both clinical teacher and cooperating teacher should sign and date the Log Sheet and the clinical teacher should turn the Log Sheet into the university supervisor for inclusion in the clinical teacher’s file.

Job interviews are allowed during the clinical teaching semester, however, notification and approval by the supervisor must be obtained prior to the interview. Every effort should be made to arrange the interviews for after-school hours.

Per TEA requirements, clinical teachers must accrue 70 days on their campus placements. Arrangements must be made to make up any additional loss of time at the end of the scheduled clinical teaching period.

If it is necessary for the clinical teacher to be absent for one or several days during the clinical teaching experience, the clinical teacher is required to do the following:

  1. Telephone the assigned school as soon as possible and report the absence to the school secretary, or inform him/her the day before the absence.
  2. Inform or telephone the cooperating teacher of the absence immediately.
  3. Inform the university supervisor of the absence.
  4. In emergency cases, the rule of prudent judgment should apply, including emergencies that may occur during the school day.
  5. Time missed from school must be made up at the end of the semester, if the total days in attendance does not equal 70 days, per TEA requirements.

Responsibilities of Cooperating Teachers


  1. Read UTSA Student Teaching Handbook.

  2.  Prepare students to receive clinical teacher as a professional co-worker.

  3.  Provide a desk or work area, class seating chart(s), and class schedule for the clinical teacher.

  4.  Become an active teaching mentor.


  1. Familiarize clinical teacher with school staff.

  2. Acquaint clinical teacher with fire drill and other safety procedures. 

  3. Arrange opportunities for the clinical teacher to manage such daily responsibilities as attendance reports, lunch count, and so forth. 

  4. Allow the clinical teacher to assist individuals and groups. 

  5. With the clinical teacher set up a schedule for the gradual assumption of teaching responsibilities.

  6. Hold daily conferences to give assistance in planning, evaluating, and guiding the clinical teacher. While addressing areas of concern, remember to stress positive aspects.


  1. Supervise and guide the clinical teacher as he/she plans and teaches his/her lessons. Approve the clinical teacher's lesson plans before they are taught with date and your initials. 

  2. Guide the clinical teacher in appropriate strategies for maintaining effective discipline.

  3. Encourage the clinical teacher to try out creative and imaginative methods and allow the opportunity for trial and error under your supervision. 

  4. Provide the clinical teacher with continuing and specific feedback.

  5.  Include the clinical teacher in professional meetings such as faculty meetings, other teachers' meetings and PTA. 

  6. Complete the Midway/Readiness to Teach Form.


  1. Maintain communication with the clinical teacher and university supervisor. 

  2. Complete Observation Forms on a regular basis. 

  3. When appropriate allow the clinical teacher to observe and participate in parent conferences and ARD meetings.

  4.  Provide opportunities for teaching experiences in content areas, and require the clinical teacher to assist in evaluating students' work. 

  5. Complete Summative Evaluation form in advance of the final conference with the clinical teacher and the university supervisor.

  • NOTE  Throughout the semester, please contact the university supervisor immediately about any questions concerning the program or situations as they may arise.

Compensation Day for Cooperating Teachers

Cooperating teachers play a vital role in preparing clinical teachers to achieve certification and begin their professional careers in public schools. A compensation day is offered as an acknowledgment of the service the cooperating teacher provides.

If the school/district approves, this bonus day should be taken during the last two weeks of the student teaching semester. The clinical teacher will be the substitute and will receive no pay for this substitute day.

UTSA does not provide a form since most campuses/districts have their own procedures. Some districts have a printed form that must be signed by the cooperating teacher, the clinical teacher, and the university supervisor. Other districts require only verbal approval from the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor. Whatever format the campus/district uses, this notice serves as documentation for university approval.  

Contact the supervisor if you have any questions.