Adult Digital Literacy through Language Education

Our Mission

The mission of the ADLLE (pronounced “Adele”) community lab is to teach basic digital literacy skills in the context of English-language lessons and, in doing so, to help address a lingering imbalance in digital access in westside San Antonio. In addition to extending clients’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, the lab’s aim is to help them become critical consumers and producers of digital information in ways that are relevant to their own lives.

Our Vision

The ADLLE community lab’s vision is to serve westside San Antonio, through education and research, as it strives toward digital integration with the city and region. The lab intends to show how, through targeted use of digital technologies for everyday tasks, language learning can be encouraged and students’ multilingual talents, cultures, and identities celebrated. At the same time, the lab will disseminate findings in scholarly journal articles and sustain its future by facilitating long-term research on language learning and digital literacy.

Martha Sidury Christiansen, Ph.D.


Martha Sidury Christiansen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL, Co-Principal Investigator of Project RESPETO

Bicultural-Bilingual Studies

ADLLE Community Lab Logo


  • Integrate basic computer literacy within English language instruction, including how to use browsers, apps, and other software, send emails, add attachments, and complete online forms.
  • Familiarize students with the information and communication potential of digital devices, including social media, podcasts, and videos, and how to use images and make personal presentations.
  • Introduce students to the concept of digital literacy and associated skills of researching and evaluating products and services, sending texts, and creating a personal website.
  • Instill comfort with Internet navigation, including utilizing links, opening windows, and finding relevant sections of websites.
Group of people working on a table

UTSA Community Lab is bridging the digital gap on San Antonio’s Westside

San Antonio Westside residents have a new resource to connect with the digital world. The UTSA Adult Digital Literacy through Language Education (ADLLE) Community Lab has teamed up with Mexican American Unity Council, to provide new programs and services to the Westside community.

Contact Information

Dr. Sidury Christiansen

Coordinator, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies



Homa Mohammadi

Lead Instructor, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
