
The Office of Professional Preparation and Partnerships (OPPP) supports the departments in UTSA’s College of Education and Human Development to prepare educators and clinicians for professional engagement with the larger San Antonio community and beyond. The OPPP collaborates extensively with independent school districts, clinical settings, and other community institutions to facilitate career-ready experiences and bold new directions for the greater field of education and human development.

We support certification and accreditation processes for the following programs (click tabs below for detailed program information):

  • Early Childhood - 12th Grade Teacher (including paid teacher residency option during clinical experiences)
  • Bilingual Reading Specialist
  • School Counselor
  • Principal
  • Superintendent
  • Behavior Analyst, Professional Counselor, School Psychologist, Dietetics

For the academic year 2023-2024, the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) rated UTSA’s Educator Preparation Program (EPP) as “Accredited.”

Highlights include:

Person working in the classroom with young students
  • 1882 Partnership with San Antonio ISD schools Twain, Bonham, Graebner and Irving to promote dual language bilingual education
  • Partnership with CAST Teach High School in Northside ISD where high school students earn college credit and take educator preparation courses at UTSA
  • Approved for the new Texas Education Agency (TEA) Residency Enhanced Standard Certificate for EC-12 and all level certification pathways
  • Ongoing collaboration with US PREP, Charles Butt Foundation, and City Education Partners to provide more rigorous and meaningful clinical teacher experiences
  • Accelerated certification pathway for those who already have a Bachelor’s Degree and want to pursue Texas educator certification
  • Multiple funding opportunities and test voucher support via scholarships, grants, and federal programs such as San Antonio Ready to Work

The OPPP supports students pursuing certification and licensure by overseeing accredited programs, and by creating and sustaining partnerships with school districts, community and business entities, hospitals, and other industries.

If you are interested in pursuing a degree or certificate that leads to certification and/or licensure, please follow these links:

Educator Preparation (Certification) and Licensure Programs Offered

Educator Certification

  • Undergraduate (60+ Hours) (initial)
  • Bilingual & ESL specialists

Accelerated Certification (Post-Bac)

  • Completed Baccalaureate in another field (computer science, Math, English, etc.)
  • Secondary (7-12 Grade) (computer science, Math, English Language Arts, etc.)
  • All level (Art, Music, PE, special Ed.)

Graduate & Professional

  • Master's Degree with Teacher Certification
  • School Counselor, Reading Specialist, Principal, Superintendent
  • Master's degree + Bilingual and ESL Generalists

Advanced Professional

  • Certification & Licensure
  • Behavior Analyst, Professional Counselor, School Psychologist, Dietetics

The OPPP supports UTSA’s Bold Futures Initiative and COEHD’s partnership initiatives for optimizing opportunities, transforming lives, and creating endless possibilities for learners, faculty, staff, and community alike. The OPPP ensures that our students and graduates have the appropriate preparation and field practice experiences for attaining their respective certification and/or licensure as well as that our graduates achieve their career/employment goals. Developing and sustaining educational partnerships with school districts, community and business entities, clinics, hospitals, and others are key in supporting the preparation of our students.

In addition to UTSA’s Southern Association Accreditation of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the COEHD is proud to have several national and/or state-accredited programs that demonstrate that we are meeting, or exceeding standards required for certification and/or licensure. In selecting your program of study leading to certification and/or licensure, we want you to feel confident that you will meet the required standards. Figure 1 provides an overview of the various accreditations (or verified sequences) that are offered in COEHD:

Accreditations Department Level
Association for Behavior Analysis International (BCBA; Verified Course Sequence) Educational Psychology (ABA certificate) Graduate ABAI Logo Seal
Association for Behavior Analysis International (BCBA; Verified Course Sequence) Educational Psychology (Behavior Analysis) Graduate ABAI Logo Seal
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Counseling Graduate cacrep_cm_cmyk.jpg
Educator Preparation Program (Texas Education Agency and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 

Bicultural-Bilingual Studies


Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching

Undergraduate / Graduate


Texas Education Agency Seal

National Association for Early Childhood (NAEYC) ILT: Early Childhood and Elementary Education Graduate naeyc seal
National Association of School Psychology (NASP) Educational Psychology Graduate NASP accredited program logo
Recognized Programs Department Level
International Literacy Association National Recognition with Distinction ILT: Reading Specialist Graduate
Urban School Leaders Collaborative Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Graduate

Have an inquiry about our program?

We appreciate your interest in Professional Preparation and Partnerships and extend our warmest welcome to you.