We are a diverse community of scholars, engaging and preparing educators, community leaders, scholars, practitioners, researchers, clinicians, and community activists, from dual credit high school students to undergraduate and graduate, and through lifelong, continuous professional development.
We transform lives and address grand challenges of the future related to education and human development, through our unique interdisciplinary approach, including through our research, teaching, and service.
We embrace and foster social justice through the COEHD Conceptual Framework, in diverse local, national, and global communities. Pursuant to our role as a Hispanic Serving Institution, we engage, advocate, and lead with the diverse communities we serve.
We are committed to the UTSA destinations of becoming a Model for Student Success, a Great Public Research University, and an Exemplar for Strategic Growth and Innovative Excellence.
All COEHD students feel a sense of belonging in the college, in their professional communities, and in their program or department. To advance student success, we robustly engage a diverse and vibrant community of students in research, teaching, and community and global impact through education and human development.
COEHD is a dynamic hub of bold, impactful, collaborative research with local, national, and global significance. COEHD is committed to maximizing its resources to support faculty and students in achieving scholarly excellence in their research, and proactively showcasing their work.
COEHD is intentional about creating a community in which students, faculty and staff thrive. To achieve strategic growth and innovative excellence, COEHD maximizes student access intentionally through academic programming, increased student recruitment and retention efforts, and meeting infrastructure needs.