Posted on August 5, 2024 by Katelyn Juarez

Hair Hernandez, Andrea "Nikki" Campos and Jacqueline Montelongo

Hair Hernandez, Andrea "Nikki" Campos and Jacqueline Montelongo

This summer, three departments from the College of Education and Human Development embarked on study abroad trips to Jyväskylä, Finland; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Oaxaca, Mexico. These trips offered students the chance to immerse themselves into diverse cultures, connect with people from around the world, and explore how their fields of study apply in different international contexts.  

In Jyväskylä, Finland, graduate students from the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching participated in a play-based, five-week summer session. This collaboration between UTSA and the University of Jyväskylä allowed Roadrunner students to gain insights into Finnish education through experiences offered by both universities.  

The Department of Counseling spent two weeks abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico exploring different cultural perspectives on mental health, relationships, education, sexuality, and family. Interactions with Oaxacan students, faculty, and mental health practitioners enriched students’ developed a sophisticated understanding and appreciation of human diversity. The service-learning components of the trip built expanded their knowledge of indigenous communities, transnational families, rural education, and migrant support services. 

Students from the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies participated in a five-week hybrid study abroad course in Guadalajara, Mexico. This program offered pre- and in-service teachers an educational and cultural experience, highlighting the possibilities of bilingual education and teaching English as a second language in the United State and Mexico. Collaborating with local partners such as the Thomas Jefferson Institute and the University of Guadalajara, students worked with local mentor teachers and learned about language teaching theory and methods from faculty and college students.

Three students from two of the 2024 COEHD study abroad trips share their experiences and offer advice for those interested in similar opportunities.


Jyväskylä, Finland 


Andrea "Nikki" Campos walking the streets of Jyväskylä, Finland
Andrea “Nikki” Campos

Ph.D. School Psychology, Class of 2027


What was your favorite assignment or academic experience during your time abroad?

To me there were SO many favorite aspects of this study abroad program. As we were studying Advanced Studied Play, my favorite assignment was having to actually play with cohort mates and record it. As adults, we often forget and neglect the importance of play within our lives. I also really enjoyed our trips to several Early Childhood Education centers, in which we got to interact with the children, and observe their educational model in person.


How did living in a different culture challenge your perspectives?

Living in a different culture for 2 weeks definitely allowed me to make comparisons between my culture and that of others. It opened my mind to how others live and how those cultural aspects they practice lead to higher levels of happiness and wellbeing. It also has always been personally important for me to step out of my comfort zone and experience new things. It also allowed me to bring home some of those practices and implement them in my daily life here in the States.


In what ways do you feel you have grown personally because of your study abroad experience?

I was able to grow professionally as a school psychologist here in San Antonio, Texas. I was able to see for myself the educational model firsthand and how their Early Childhood program operates in order for all students to be successful regardless of age. I also grew personally as I was able to meet so many local people, talk to professors from the University of Jyvaskyla and make new, lifelong friends.


How has this experience influenced your future or academic goals?

This experience definitely evoked a curiosity and desire to place myself in positions to enact positive change for all our student in our education system, locally and at the state level.


What advice would you give to students who are considering studying abroad?

I would advise other students to go into a study abroad program with an open mind. It is definitely worth it - from the academic knowledge standpoint and the cultural standpoint.




Guadalajara, Mexico 

Hair Hernandez holds a piece of pottery in Guadalajara, Mexico
Haira Hernandez

M.A. Bicultural/Bilingual Education, Class of 2026


What was your favorite assignment or academic experience during your time abroad? 

I loved that I was able to experience the culture and language as well as learn strategies from teachers in a different setting.


How did living in a different culture challenge your perspectives?

I was able to adapt myself to the everyday lifestyle.


In what ways do you feel you have grown personally because of your study abroad experience?

I learned how to be more independent, and I was able to communicate better with other people.


How has this experience influenced your future or academic goals?

It helped me learn more about teachers and how they teach and use strategies.


What advice would you give to students who are considering studying abroad?

 Do it! You will not regret it, it will make you learn more about yourself.



Jacqueline Montelongo                       
Jacqueline Montelongo stands in front of the Plaza de la Liberación

B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies with a Concentration in EC-6 Bilingual Core Subjects, Class of 2026 


What was your favorite assignment or academic experience during your time abroad?

Visiting major historical sites and learning about the countries rich history.


How did living in a different culture challenge your perspectives?

Challenged my ideas of privilege. I realized that I live so comfortably in the U.S and that there are many things to be thankful for as well as being generous to those who do not have as much as you do.


In what ways do you feel you have grown personally because of your study abroad experience?

I believe I have learned more about Mexican culture by being right in the middle of it. I got the best first-hand experience living in Guadalajara and learning the common language and everyday things that people do.


How has this experience influenced your future or academic goals?

I plan to learn more Spanish and to integrate myself in more advocacy for bilingual education.


What advice would you give to students who are considering studying abroad?

Have enough money. Be of an adaptable mindset because anything can happen. Learn to use all your senses in your experience.




— Katelyn Juarez