Posted on May 13, 2024 by Justine Cantu

Photo of Khiandra Garcia

Photo of Khiandra Garcia

Grad Spotlight: Khiandra Garcia


Degree: B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6, ESL Cert.

Hometown: Encinal, Texas


"Being the oldest of five siblings, a first-generation college graduate, as well as a mother to my 2-year-old daughter, it has all shaped my journey, fostering resilience, motivation, and determination throughout this important chapter in my life. Growing up in a cozy small town, I've always cherished and appreciated the tight-knit community and all the values it has instilled in me. Currently, I'm pursuing my passion for education as an EC-6 ESL major, driven by a desire to empower others through language as well as making a difference in the lives of young children. I also am an Alpha Delta Pi sorority alumna, in which I've embraced sisterhood and service wholeheartedly.”


Why did you choose UTSA?

I chose UTSA because of the sense of "belonging" I had felt the second I stepped foot on campus. I was intrigued by the diversity, the sense of "home", as well as the UTSA pride that runs deep throughout all the student body!


What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

My favorite professor has to be Dr. Zaid Haddad; I say this because not only was he was the most influential professor I have ever had, but he was also the most personable. Haddad has given me a new perspective on the way I viewed not only education, but the WAY I TEACH education to the youth. Dr. Haddad has given me a new sense of meaning when it comes to becoming an educator.  


What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?

My fondest experience at UTSA is definitely joining Greek life on campus. Rushing and finding my home at Alpha Delta Pi in August of 2018 was the turning point in my college experience. I have not only gained new and lifelong friendships, but ADPi has also shaped the "leader" in me by the position I have held as well as the many opportunities the chapter has provided for us.


What are your plans for the future and/or your career?

My future plans are to stay here in San Antonio and become an elementary school teacher to work with ELL students and be their advocate. Maybe even a Masters in the near future! 


What has brought you inspiration during this time? I.E. Music, books, public figures, etc.

My BIGGEST inspiration for all that I do/have done, is my daughter. My daughter has been my reasoning and the biggest "push" for me to continue moving forward. Without her, none of this would be possible.



— Justine Cantu