Posted on May 16, 2023 by


GRAD SPOTLIGHT: Lesley Reazola Moreno

Degree:   B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 Bilingual

Hometown:  Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

"I was born and raised in Mexico and moved to the United States at the age of 14. My journey to learn English and the teachers who guided me along the way really impacted me and inspired my dream of becoming a Bilingual Teacher! I hope to take my experiences and make a difference for as many future children who will be going through their own version of what I once did."

Why did you choose UTSA?

UTSA was always the obvious choice for me to pursue my degree. After moving to San Antonio, I could instantly see the strong cultural presence that resembled that of my home in Mexico. I fell in love with this city and wanted to continue my education here. As an aspiring bilingual teacher, I wanted to stay somewhere that embraced that side of education compared to many other universities in other places.


What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

I have trouble narrowing it down to a specific course, but the entire year-long clinical teaching program was fantastic and I enjoyed every bit of it. This program allowed us to experience the classroom environment on a level not common for other students following the same path. It really showed me all of the different aspects of a teacher’s typical school year and also put me in positions to lead the classroom in tons of lessons and activities. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to participate in this program.


What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned over the course of your studies?

The most important thing I’ve learned is that you truly get out what you put in. It would’ve been easy for me to simply attend my classes and show up to my clinical assignment, but that would’ve had me in a place that is much different than where I sit today. I made sure to push myself in all parts of my program to ensure I’m not only getting by, but I’m growing and challenging myself to be the best teacher I can be. By doing that, I now feel more prepared than I could have ever imagined as I am getting ready to enter my career in teaching.


Describe any professional experiences, research, organizations, or internship opportunities you've had at your time at UTSA. What did you learn from these opportunities?

The clinical teaching I was able to participate in did an amazing job in preparing me for my future career. If not for that experience, I would not already have a job offer and I would likely be uncertain on my future. I also served as the president of the Bilingual Education Student Organization. That experience exposed me to a leadership opportunity that was very beneficial in my growth as an individual. It was incredibly fun to run the organization with my classmates, but it was also very rewarding to see our various planned events turn into successes.


What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?

I have so many great memories from my time at UTSA, but I would say the best memories are all of the times I was able to spend with my cohort in and out of class. We all got along so well and there were tons of friendships formed that I can see lasting after we all graduate. This made anything we did throughout the program enjoyable regardless of what the actual activity was.

What are your plans for the future and/or career?

I am planning to be in the classroom next school year teaching bilingual education to elementary school students. I can’t wait to make an impact on them the same way my former teachers made an impact on me. Eventually, I would love to return to UTSA to pursue my Master’s and continue to grow as an educator and individual to better perform for my students and improve bilingual education on a larger scale.