Posted on May 16, 2023 by


GRAD SPOTLIGHT: Carolyn Potral

Degree:  B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies: 4-8 Language Arts and Social Studies

Hometown: Round Rock, Texas

"I have always had a passion for working with kids. Since acting as a student teacher from January 2023 to May 2023 has truly been the highlight of my college career. My students constantly inspire me to pursue my dreams just as I encourage them to do the same. I’m so thankful for my time at UTSA as well as my wonderful students."

Why did you choose UTSA?

I chose UTSA because it was apparent that San Antonio is a tight knit family.


What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

My favorite class was Literacy with Dr. Harmon. Dr. Harmon is the perfect example of what it means to be a great teacher. She was so kind, thoughtful, and genuinely wants to see all of her students succeed.


What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned over the course of your studies?

The most important thing I’ve learned is the power of time. The stress of homework does not last forever, the great times with friends will one day because memories, and the hard work you’ve put in will one day pay off. Time can be beautiful, scary, heartwarming and everything in between. How you choose to utilize your time is entirely up to you.


Describe any professional experiences, research, organizations, or internship opportunities you've had at your time at UTSA. What did you learn from these opportunities?

I previously served as the Vice President of Education and Vice President of Membership Integrity for the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. My biggest accomplishment however, has been my time student teaching. I have learned to not dwell on the hard times, to be excited for the little things in life, and to show up for other people even when you don’t feel like showing up for yourself.


What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?

My fondest memory was spending my meal swipes in a matter of days with my roommate. She has been my best friend since freshman year and I am so grateful for our time together.

What are your plans for the future and/or career?

I will be teaching 8th-grade Language Arts at a school in Leander ISD!


What has brought you inspiration during this time? I.E. Music, books, public figures, etc.

My biggest inspiration is my Oma. She immigrated to the United States from Germany when she was just a teenager and never had the opportunity to attend college. She taught me the importance of maintaining a youthful spirit even when you’re well into adulthood. Her love for Hello Kitty, anything sparky, and children’s marketing served as a reminder to enjoy the little things in life. I think my Oma would be so proud of me if she were still here today and would love my Hello Kitty tattoo.