Posted on December 12, 2022 by

GRAD SPOTLIGHT: Verania Carrillo



Degree:   B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies  (concentration in Bilingual education EC-6)

Hometown: Houston, Texas

" I come from a family of hardworking immigrants who has always taught me to never quit until I have accomplished my goals! I am the first in my family to graduate and I couldn’t have accomplished it without the love and support from my parents and sisters! Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about having my own classroom and now I can proudly say in less than 2 weeks I will officially be a teacher! You can now call me Ms. Carrillo!"

Why did you choose UTSA?

I choose UTSA because I have always liked San Antonio and I felt like I was ready to explore life on my own.

What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

My favorite class at UTSA had to do with creative writing because our professor gave us the freedom to write about what we were passionate about and when doing assignments you’re passionate about they become a lot more meaningful.

What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned over the course of your studies?

The most important thing I learned over the course of my studies was how to manage my time, being a full-time student teacher, taking 12+ credits, and having a part-time job can quickly become overwhelming but it definitely taught me how to manage my time and how to handle working under pressure.

What organizations or activities within COEHD that you’ve participated in?
I have had the opportunity to participate in BESO (Bilingual Education Student Organization) I was their intern and historian for a period of time. I was also able to be a part of Honors Alliance in which I had the opportunity to be their Public Relations chair and lastly I was also a part of NSCS.

Describe any professional experiences or internship opportunities you have had. What did you learn from these opportunities?
I was able to do my student teaching in a kindergarten classroom in NISD and it has helped me grow so much as a teacher it has also shown me how much more growth I can make to be the best teacher for my future students

What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?
My fondest memory of UTSA was just being able to meet new people and explore San Antonio, from going to UTSA football games to going country dancing with friends on Friday nights!

What are your plans for the future and/or your career?
My plan is to move back to Houston and begin my teaching career!

What has brought you inspiration during this time?

The people who have inspired me the most in my college journey have definitely been my parents I saw them work their way up in life to be able to give me unlimited opportunities! I hope to one day be able to repay them for all of their sacrifices.

Congratulations to all of our Fall 2022 Graduates!