Posted on December 12, 2022 by




Degree: M.A. Educational Leadership

Hometown:  San Antonio, Texas

"I am a full time working mom of three beautiful babies with a supportive spouse. I wondered if pursuing higher education was a right decision for me given my already busy life, and now that I’m at the end I know I made the right decision! I am part of the Northside ISD and UTSA Cohort and have grown so much as an educator, leader and professional in just these past two short years. I will forever be thankful for everything I’ve learned and the relationships formed along the way!"

Why did you choose UTSA?

NISD Cohort

What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

Dr. Giles Culture in a Diverse Society was an amazing class that pushed the thinking about equity in education. Also, Dr. Okilwas course on Administration and Functions of Special Populations was phenomenal!

What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned over the course of your studies?

Honestly, all of it. This experience has been hands down the best learning experience of my educational history.

Describe any professional experiences or internship opportunities you have had. What did you learn from these opportunities?
The internship with NISD has been amazing! I have experienced real, feet to ground, Administration in the educational world.

What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?
The relationships built has always been the best. I still am close to my friends I met during undergrad at UTSA and now have many more to add to that list!

What are your plans for the future and/or your career?
Pursuing leadership in education!

What has brought you inspiration during this time?

Each other. My peers, my professors, guest lecturers, all of them have inspired me and kept me going!

Congratulations to all of our Fall 2022 Graduates!