Posted on December 12, 2022 by




Degree:   B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies  (concentration in Bilingual education EC-6)

Hometown:   San Antonio, Texas

"I was born in Monterrey, N.L, Mexico, but have lived in San Antonio for most of my life. At a very young age I fell in love with education and the excitement of learning. I had amazing role models in my bilingual schools that drove me to be the person that I am today, and I only hope I can do the same and more for my students. UTSA helped me truly reclaim and appreciate my identity as a latina, and I have grown such a passion for staying true to your roots and flourishing into a better individual by learning and unlearning from your past. "

Why did you choose UTSA?

I chose UTSA because of it's diversity and large hispanic population. I wanted to be close to home and learn in a setting where I know I would learn in a respectful setting from people just like me.

What was your favorite class and/or who was your favorite professor? Why?

My favorite class was Latino Cultural Expressions taught by Dr. Sonya Aleman. Latino Cultural Expressions was one of the first courses I took at UTSA. I remember feeling such a weight off my shoulders knowing that my culture finally had a place in the education system. I was unlearning the history that was never unveiled anywhere else. I learned so much about myself and my people through art, poetry, corridos, and Dr. Aleman's passion for teaching the material will always brighten that memory.

What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned over the course of your studies?

As a future educator, one huge takeaway has been the value of funds of knowledge. Everyone has a wealth of cultural knowledge that can be tapped into to maximize instruction and build meaningful relationships.

What organizations or activities within COEHD that you’ve participated in?
The Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) helped me grow as a leader and a better advocate for my emergent bilinguals. Having served as a member, Vice President, and President throughout different semesters, BESO provided plenty of opportunities for me to learn from professionals in the field and attend amazing conferences for free.

Describe any professional experiences or internship opportunities you have had. What did you learn from these opportunities?
I became part of the UTSA-NISD Residency program very early in my journey at UTSA. This opportunity opened many doors, as I was able to learn in smaller settings and receive more hands-on opportunities in classrooms that other peers did not receive. I learned the value of asking questions and taking chances. As cheesy as it sounds, the program taught me more about being an active learner, and that hard work does pay off.

What is your fondest memory of your experience at UTSA?
Every experience I've had at UTSA has truly been amazing. From the moment we received our Roadrunner pins during our orientation days, to walking out of a 6-8pm class to see a calm campus evening, nothing can beat the surreal feeling of being a student at UTSA.

What are your plans for the future and/or your career?
As soon as it may seem, I will embark on my career as an educator on January 2nd, 2023. I was presented with the great privilege of working in my dream district with a 4th-grade class of emergent bilinguals. My big 8-year-old dream is finally coming true...I did it y'all!!

What has brought you inspiration during this time?

I created a playlist of self-love anthems that have helped empower me, especially being so near the end. However, I have one amazing friend, Gaby, who has been my greatest inspiration through it all. The word amazing truly doesn't do her justice; I don't think I would be where I am without her.

Congratulations to all of our Fall 2022 Graduates!