Posted on June 11, 2020 by Elizabeth Castillo


By Elizabeth Castillo

The College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) is excited to announce their participation with The American Institutes for Research (AIR) Pipeline Partnership Program aimed at fostering diversity and inclusion in research and implementation fields.

The AIR Pipeline Partnership Program will provide opportunities for graduate-level students at three universities including the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), Howard University in Washington, D.C., and Georgia State University in Atlanta.

“As a Hispanic-serving institution, with a Carnegie Community-Engaged designation, we see the AIR Pipeline Partnership as a wonderful way to provide our diverse graduate student population opportunities to engage in high-quality research opportunities,” said Margo DelliCarpini, Ph.D, Vice Provost for Strategic Educational Partnerships and Dean of the College of Education and Human Development at UTSA. 

COEHD and AIR hosted a virtual launch of the partnership on May 6 which included presenters David Myers, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIR; Rogelio Sáenz, Professor in the Department of Demography at UTSA and Policy Fellow of the Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire; Marta Tienda, Maurice P. During ’22 Professor of Demographic Studies and Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University.

During the virtual launch, 15 graduate students from three colleges learned more about AIR, the partnership and how they may be able to utilize the program to further their research.

“The advantages of the Pipeline Partnership Program are to help you envision ways that you can approach the work that you’re currently doing in a way that can directly connect you with the policy outcome,” Marta Tienda, Maurice P. During ’22 Professor of Demographic Studies and Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University, said during the virtual launch. “AIR has the connections, first because they are located in Washington, D.C., second because they have a network of different organizations they work with, and third because they have a lot of experience and commitment to actually translate evidence and findings into action.”

Funded by AIR in partnership with the universities, the program seeks to enhance the diversity and cultural competence of the field by engaging graduate students who reflect the racial, cultural and socioeconomic diversity of the communities that it serves. Participating universities are providing in-kind contributions including venues, faculty and other resources.

“We are very eager to get started in this program which we hope will last for many,many years,” said Dr. Juliet Langman, Professor of Applied Linguistics and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, COEHD. “This is our inaugural discussion about the ways in which we can explore different pathways for researchers.”

Additional launch activities will be held beginning in Fall 2020. Student participants will include those who are considering research or implementation science as a profession or who are studying in areas related to AIR’s work, including education, health and workforce development, both domestically and internationally. Students will be chosen by the universities based on their interests and backgrounds. The program has three main components:

  • Education and training: AIR Institute and External Fellows, leadership, and internal experts will work with each institution to deliver seminars, workshops and lectures on research methodology and design, education policy, equity, workforce development, health and other relevant topics.
  • Mentoring and career advancement: Students will have the chance to be mentored by AIR Institute and External Fellows and internal experts, who are among the most accomplished and distinguished in the field.
  • Networking and internships: AIR will promote its Summer Internship Program, which offers students the opportunity to work on active research projects and put their learning into action. 

“We would like to see more diverse candidates coming out of universities with strong backgrounds who are interested in working in an applied setting,” David Myers, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIR, said during the launch. “The idea is to provide resources so that the university can strengthen their program through our resources.”

— Elizabeth Castillo