Bekisizwe Ndimande, Ph.D.

Professor, Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching

Bekisizwe Ndimande, Ph.D.


Dr. Bekisizwe S. Ndimande is a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching and Faculty Associate in the Department of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in the College of Education and Human Development. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Ndimande’s lines of research inquiry focuses on curriculum studies, education policy, multicultural education, and international comparative studies. His previously published volume entitled, Privatization and the Education of Marginalized Children: Policies, Impacts and Global Lessons, (co-edited with Dr. Christopher Lubienski) was published by Routledge in 2017. Other notable publications include: Pedagogy of the Township in Sonia Nieto’s Dear Paulo: Letters from Those Who Dare Teach (edited collection); Race and Resources (Race Ethnicity and Education journal); Unravelling the Neocolonial Epistemologies (Journal of Literacy Research); Lutas Docentes nas Escolas Públicas para negros na África do Sul pósapartheid (Cadernos de Educação,a Brazilian journal). Dr. Ndimande’s essay, From Bantu Education to the Fight for Socially Just Education published in Equity & Excellence in Education was among the 18 articles selected by Taylor & Francis as representative of the interdisciplinary nature of social justice studies. Recently, Dr. Ndimande was invited to be a member of the Professors of Curriculum Honorary Society, a national organization for scholars whose research has made outstanding contributions to the field of curriculum studies. Additionally, he was also invited to serve as a Fellow at the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP) at Indiana University. Currently, Dr. Ndimande is the editor of the Critical Studies in Education journal.