Claudia Treviño García, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Instruction, Bicultural-Bilingual Studies

Claudia Treviño Garcia


Dr. Claudia Treviño García's career spans a combined 30 years in the field of bilingual education. Her experience includes 13 years as a dual language education teacher, Title VII Grant Coordinator, PK-12 Bilingual Education and ESL Curriculum Specialist, and Dual Language/ESL/LOTE Coordinator. Her research focuses on educator and leadership cultural efficacy development, dual language education programs, teacher recruitment, and retention, coaching and mentoring, and teacher residency programming. She serves on multiple professional boards such as the San Antonio Area Association for Bilingual Education (President-elect) and the Texas Association for Bilingual Education (Treasurer) and is a Governing Board Member for the Celebrate Dyslexia Schools Charter. She is a Gen One graduate born to Mexican Immigrant parents and a proud UTSA Roudrunner.



  • Language arts and biliteracy development
  • Assessment of language proficiency
  • Language usage in bilingual classrooms, focusing on the different content areas for native language instruction

Research Interests

  • Educator cultural efficacy development
  • Dual language education programs
  • Teacher recruitment, and retention
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Teacher residency programming


  • Ph.D., Culture, Language, and Literacy, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2016
  • M.A., Bilingual Education, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2000
  • B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1993

Honors and Awards

  • UTSA President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Community Engagement
    • Date Awarded: April 2023
    • Organization: The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • San Antonio Area Association Bilingual Education Administrator of the Year
    • Date Awarded: March 2013
    • Organization: San Antonio Area Association


  • Building a Bilingual Education Residency Program from the Ground Up by Growing District Partnerships
    • Venue: National Association for Bilingual Education
    • Date: March 28, 2024
  • ¡Celebrando nuestra comunidad y cultura en el currículo!
    • Venue: San Antonio Area Association for Bilingual Education Conference
    • Date: May 3, 2024
  • ¡Qué Sabor! San Antonio™Lotería in the Classroom
    • Venue: San Antonio Area Association for Bilingual Education Conference
    • Date: May 3, 2024
  • Crafting Culturally Relevant and Inclusive Pedagogy​
    • Venue: UTSA-ATE Teacher Academy Learning Community Summer Institute -TALC-SI Transfer Academy
    • Date: May 23, 2023
  • Leaders Supporting Teachers’ Cultural Efficacy Development: Strategies to sustain a dual language program
    • Venue: SAAABE
    • Date: April 13, 2023
  • Supporting Residency Candidates via a DL Community Lab School Partnership
    • Venue: Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education Conference (CSOTTE)
    • Date: October 11, 2022
  • Supporting Residency Candidates via Dual Language Community Lab Schools
    • Venue: Texas Educator Residency Summit, Texas Education Agency, Online Summit
    • Date: June 29, 2022
  • Fostering Culturally Efficacious Mentoring Practices: The Creation of the Culturally Efficacious Mentor Modules (CEMMs)
    • Venue: US PREP Learning Tour. The Woodlands, Texas,
    • Date: April 13, 2022
  • Growing and Sustaining Equitable Education Partnerships: UTSA’s Bilingual Teacher Residency Program Trajectory
    • Venue: American Association for Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Diversifying the Teaching Workforce, Online Conference
    • Date: March 3, 2022
  • Growing Culturally Efficacious Dual Language Teachers: Un compromiso con la equidad
    • Venue: La Cosecha Dual Language Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico
    • Date: November 10-13, 2021


  • Belinda Bustos Flores, Adriana Alonzo, Claudia Treviño García & Lisa Santillán (2022) Reframing our work: Critical bicultural-bilingual pedagogues, NABE Journal of Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/26390043.2022.2123725
  • Flores, B. B., Hernández, A., Garcia, C. T., & Claeys, L. (2011). Teacher Academy Learning Community’s Induction Support: Guiding teachers through their zone of professional development. Journal of Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
  • Swoyer, J., Claeys, L., Flores, B. B., Garcia, C.T., Juárez, L. M., Santillán, L., & Sohn., L. N. (2020). Mentoring the mentors: Developing culturally efficacious educators within a residency model.
  • In P. E. Bernhardt, T. Conway, & G. Richardson (Eds.), Collaborative Models for Clinical Practice: Reflections from the Field. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. El Renacer de Maestros Bilingües: Exploring Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Culturally Efficacious Dispositions.
  • (2017) In Flores, B. B. and Clark, E. R. Despertando el Ser: Transforming Latino Teachers, Identities, Consciousness and Beliefs (pp.173-186). Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Apprenticeship: Affirming Consciousness within Learning Communities.
  • (2011) In Flores, B. B., Sheets, R. H., Clark, E. R. Preparing teachers for bilingual student populations: Educar para transformar (pp. 230-234). Routledge: A Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Mata, E., Rodríguez, M. E., Claeys, L., Fraga, L., García, C. T., Guerra, N. S, Flores, B. B., Clark, E. R., & Villarreal, A. (2010). Becoming culturally efficacious: Induction mentor modules handbook. Academy for Teacher Excellence, University of Texas at San Antonio. Available from: